Thursday, January 8, 2015

Never Satisfied

I, immediately, felt a call to repentance this morning during my ride to work. When I woke up this morning, I knew that the temps had fallen in our area. I knew that it was going to be a very cold morning that required us to dress in layers. So that is what I did.

In late 2014, Christina and myself were blessed to be able to purchase a brand new car. Through our giving to others and the local church, God has always supplied our need. Even in trying times where I was worried about the finances, We STILL made it. We made it by the grace of God. His grace led us to the right place, right person and at the right time to purchase this fully upgraded vehicle with under 100 miles. This vehicle surpassed all of our standard expectations from the previous one. It has a panoramic sunroof, LED lighting, Blue link (similar to OnStar), updated GPS systems and heated front seats. Wow, Praise God! That was our thoughts in October about the coming winter and having heated seats!

This morning as I jumped into the car to warm it, I found myself with issues. I found myself questioning the purchase and should we have expected more. I found myself being a typical human. I found myself being unsatisfied because it didn't come with an automatic start. Not long after I pulled my 'smart phone' out and snapped a picture of the frigid temps and loaded my complaint onto social media, I found myself feeling guilty for the remarks that I thought and posted to social media. I was quickly reminded that I am blessed. There are many people that do not even have a car to drive or doesn't have heat in their homes. I was reminded that I slept good last night and stayed warm, but in that instance of complaint that wasn't good enough.

Why would I complain? Why is it that my generation suffers from it not being good enough? Why is it that we were just blessed with a new car with upgrades but it still lacked something? These are all thoughts that I have been pondering on since this morning. Honestly speaking, it doesn't lack anything. It is more than enough.
My generation has become so infatuated with loving materials, loving instantaneous responses and loving self, that we forget how blessed we truly are in our lives. We forget that there are people less fortunate than us. We forget that we are the hands and feet of Jesus. It's time we stop complaining and be thankful!

God's faithfulness never changes. Regardless of how unsatisfied we are, He still loves us. He loves us so much that sometimes we may hear a still small voice to remind us. He loves us so much that He sent His son to hang on a cross and be battered for our sake. He loves us so much that He sent a Comforter to walk with us on a daily basis. He loves us so much that He has a place waiting on us. That place is Heaven and it is far better than anything we can have on this earth.

Lord, help us today to be thankful for the things that you have blessed us with. After all, it isn't about the things that we have, but it's about who we have. It's about knowing you. It's about loving others and showing your love to them. It is about giving to the less fortunate and offering a helping hand in time of need. God, help us to become more like you. Help us to love like you love. Help us to remember that it is all about You. It is all about You, Lord. Help me God to be ever thankful for who you are and the impact that you have made in my life and in my marriage. Thank you Lord for loving us and sharing your Son with us so that we may be saved from death, hell and the grave. In Jesus' name, AMEN!!

Remember: No matter where we are in life, there is someone less fortunate than we are. Let's be thankful for a God that loves us and blesses those that bless Him.

"Give yourself entirely to those around you. Be generous with your blessings. A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal." --- Steve Maraboli

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